We are proud to present a new generation of electronic devices that work on the technology of intelligent, or optimal, interference! We named this technology Long-Term Evolution Jamming — LTEJ for short. It is much more effective than the usual technology of “noise” interference, because it works on the principle of exact matching. LTEJ intervenes […]
Британське видання The Times опублікувало велику статтю про KVERTUS. Його основою стало інтерв’ю з CEO KVERTUS Ярославом Філімоновим і комерційним директором KVERTUS Сергієм Скориком. В інтерв’ю розповідається про те, як наша компанія швидко втілює фронтовий досвід у новітніх розробках, аби Україна мала перевагу у «війні дронів». Видання порівнює це з роботою британських оборонних підприємств і […]
EW Installations for Light Vehicles EW installations for cars do their best when they meet the following requirements: Light vehicles are most often attacked by FPV drones, since bomber drones cannot perform a targeted drop on a moving car. This means EW installations for cars must cover the control frequency range used by FPV drones. […]
On September 29, 2024, we wish to accept the development of galusia REB and RER in order to protect the lives and health of military personnel at the front. KVERTUS CEO Yaroslav Filimonov event. He asked the guests to pay tribute to the lost heroes of Ukraine: 29 sickles and shorthorns signify the river of […]
Our company has managed to purchase and own three Swiss aid vehicles through the Smart Medical Aid Charitable Foundation, a collaboration with Lifeline Ambulances Services and David Hall. Smart Medical Aid is incredibly energetic and warm-hearted Irina Ribinkina. We write with knowledge of her and breathe in her incomparable faith in the power of unity […]
Nowadays “Ukrainian Armored Vehicles” is installing KVERTUS REB features on armored vehicles of high production. Thus, the crews of combat vehicles will be more likely to be captured from attacks by FPV drones, and will be able to more effectively and efficiently conquer combat missions. It is very important for us that this partnership expands […]
From June 17 to 21, 2024, the Kvertus team worked at EUROSATORY, one of the world’s largest defense technology exhibitions. The exhibition is held in Paris every year and is an event of national significance for France, as the country’s military industry is one of the most powerful in the world. We went to EUROSATORY […]
The Financial Times published an open letter from Andriy Dovbenk, an investor and initiator of the non-profit UK-Ukraine TechExchange program, which aims to support Ukrainian startups. In the letter, Mr. Andriy outlines the unique scene of Ukrainian defense startups in the world, which has rapidly developed since 2022. Tells about her strength and vulnerability. According […]
Where else to meet people who are building a technologically strong Ukraine than at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Germany? In Ukraine, we are all immersed in our endless and intertwined affairs at various levels, which are carried on with incredible intensity, so seeing each other in person is an almost unattainable luxury. But in […]