EW tools for cars: Security and protection from Kvertus

EW Installations for cars

EW Installations for cars

EW Installations for cars

EW Installations for Light Vehicles

EW installations for cars do their best when they meet the following requirements:

  • Light vehicles are most often attacked by FPV drones, since bomber drones cannot perform a targeted drop on a moving car. This means EW installations for cars must cover the control frequency range used by FPV drones.
  • However, a vehicle not on the move can still be hit by a bomber drone if not disguised properly. Thus, protection against this type of drones is also essential.
  • Fighting off bomber drones is relatively simple: to allow this, the EW device must generate radio interference in the 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands. However, things get much more complicated when it comes to FPV drones, which can use control frequencies ranging from 100 MHz to 1100 MHz to even 2.4 GHz.
  • No EW installation for light vehicles is able to contain interference generators needed to cover all of the above bands, as this would make it way too bulky. There are two solutions to address this issue.
  • Solution 1: using the generators as building blocks of the device. EW installations of this type are elongated in shape and easy to mount on a vehicle. Our KVERTUS AD CERBERUS is designed using this approach. It can be equipped with generators covering any combination of frequency bands you might need.
  • Solution 2: “forming” the frequency range to be covered by combining separate small EW devices installed in different parts of the vehicle. This can be done using the products from our KVERTUS AD COUNTER FPV F2 M30 line.
  • None of these solutions excludes the option of installing a single large EW electronic device, if it allows to cover the frequency bands relevant to you and can be mounted on your vehicle. Our KVERTUS AD KRAKEN COUNTER FPV devices are mounted on armored cars, while KVERTUS AD VEPR M100 COUNTER FPV are intended for installation on pickup trucks.

Mounting brackets to install and secure the EW device of your choice on the vehicle can be manufactured at your request.



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